Sunday, December 7, 2014


It has been four years since I have seen you. You’ve been gone longer than I knew you.  It has been four year since you held my hand, kissed my mouth, told me you loved me, made me feel safe, made me believe in true love, made me believe, everyday, that I deserved it. It seems like it was all at the same time just yesterday that you died, and a million years since I have seen you, touched you, bathed in your presence and love.  
What is it about four that feels so significant?  Why does four feel so big?
The number four is loaded with symbolism.  In some realms it is representative of the fourth dimension, time, which is said to be an illusion. That would explain the contradictory feelings of how long if feels that KC has actually been gone.  Four is connection, completion, four seasons four elements.  In Buddhist culture, the The Damba Tree of Life has four limbs and four roots that are fed by four streams.  The Greeks equate the number four with the God Hermes, son of Zeus and Maia.  Hermes is the messenger god who communicates with all other gods and the guide for the dead to the underworld. Hermes held the number four sacred as he was born in the fourth month, as was KC.
In Egypt, the number four is considered the sacred number of time in reference to the sun. Numerology suggests the totality of the number four, again referencing the four elements, four directions, four sides to the perfect square.  It is representative of calmness, solidity, and home, with the suggestion of getting back to the bones of your life, planting roots, and persevering through obstacles when finding ground might be difficult.  The four is the ground in that moment. 
The Bible talks about the number four and its relationship to creation. The fourth day was when the material universe was completed with the sun, the moon and the stars, giving way to the four seasons in a year. The fourth commandment is remembrance of the Sabbath day in order to properly honor the work that went into the creation of the universe as we know it. 
There are four temperaments described in early psychology that are related directly to Hippocrates’ four humors.  Melancholic temperaments are doomed to a life of disappointment and slow movement despite their virtuous nature. Choleric temperaments are strong but give way easily to anger. The sanguine person is obedient and fits in well with their environment as a practice, seeking approval and avoids controversy.  Phlegmatic types are similarly adaptable, but stubborn and lazy.  These four temperaments cover a complete array of personality types, furthering the notion that the number four represents completeness.
“One significant representation of four symbology is in the representation of the four evangelists of the four winged beasts in the vision of Ezekiel, later reconstitutes in the New Testament as the four beasts of the apocalypse in the Book of Revelations. In the Kabbalah, there were four worlds of the Tree of Life. There are four creatures on the arms of Freemasonry, four primary mental functions according to Carl Jung, and four dimensions of modern science: length, breadth, width, and time.”
With all of this research, all of the symbolism, all of the awareness this brings and parallels drawn, what does it mean in the scheme of the loss that I suffered 4 years ago?  Though completion and home and stability and strength feel like very attractive qualities moving through 4 years of heartbreak for a senseless accident with no meaning, unfortunately, the fact that four years have passed me by without the man with whom I agreed to share the rest of my life brings me precious little solace.  However, standing with my back to four and facing year five head on feels different than previous anniversaries.  Grounded in four, I feel the elements around and beneath me; The earth under my feet.  I feel the square solidity of the new foundation upon which this life I never asked for has been built.  I feel the four roots from the Tree of Life and I am quenched by the four rivers that feed the tree.  I feel Hermes delivering my messages and his connection to the natural and mystical alchemical changes which occur over time reinforce the rooted feelings of four.  Or maybe there is none of this and all I am doing is trying to make sense of this.  What I do know, is that I have been blessed with another year on this earth, and I am making the most of it. I will continue to do so, and honor my time with love in my heart and an openness to receive it. I will continue to miss him, and honor his memory with my own actions of love and affection and presence in the world.