Monday, July 21, 2014


I feel like I am regressing lately.  I think about KC and the loss and the fact that I am alone almost constantly.  It has been three and a half years now and I haven't successfully dated anyone.  I have no prospects on the horizon.  I still live with my parents and I am have almost no savings.  I can't believe this is where I am right now. 



This IS where I am right now.  I just finished my first year of grad school and I am lucky enough to have a family to support me while I am finishing school so I don't rack up even more debt.  I am good at my job; just because I am not getting rich, I am damn good at what I do and I positively influence kids with special needs on a daily basis.  I am very proud of that.  Yes, I think about my late fiancee a lot.  I remember him and think of him and smile and cry and I remember how well loved I was.  I miss him, and I don't know that I will ever stop missing him.  I don't think I want to stop missing him.  But I deserve to be loved.  I just need to be patient.

It's so fucking hard to be patient.