Monday, April 8, 2013


I have a lot of things going for me right now. I am doing the things I love with the people I love. I am healthier than I have been in a very long time. I am dancing and teaching dance. I am moving forward professionally. I am about to graduate College with honors and and in the midst of applying for graduate school. I have a niece who I love more than anything and a *nephew* who thrills me with his giggles and sweet little cheeks. I am so proud of what I have accomplished since KC passed and I feel really good about who I am and the path I am on. KC's birthday is this sunday and I am regressing. I am so desperately lonely I am dreaming about KC being here, being back and with me and us planning our wedding. I want to be in a relationship. I want to love someone and be loved back. I want those intimate moments and inside jokes and nicknames that we're embarrassed to say in public. I want to be pregnant. I want to raise and love a family. And I have absolutely, positively, no idea how to proceed.

KC, I need your help. I love and miss you so terribly and constantly. Send me the next *one.* Help me be happy again; happy like I was when I was with you.