Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Themes and therapy.

I recently finished seven, 12-hour days of school in a row.  I am in school to get my master's in counseling psychology and hopefully get my MFT license.  The school that I chose is not your run of the mill school, but used to be named the Institute for Transformative Learning, or something like that.  Long story short, it is a hippy dippy new wave institution in which I have grown and learned a TON and I fucking love it, but it is really hard.  Like, really hard.  Not like, damn, it's tough to be in school such long hours because listening to a lecture is tough, but more like, damn, I am doing so much work on myself and I am emotionally, physically, and spiritually exhausted and I feel like my eyeballs are going to pop out because I have been crying so much.

It's a lot like therapy, but it's education.

This past week I learned a lot about myself as I was pushed by a difficult person in my cohort.  A common theme came up in my life that I guess I had always known was there, but I wasn't working with or processing in any healthy way.  That theme is that good things in my life get cut short and then I shut down.

Seriously. Think about that for a hot second.

I am sure it happened before KC died, and it stands to reason that this is just a natural rhythm of life. Good things happen, bad things happen, wash, rinse, repeat.  But the shut down part, that is a problem.  It's a problem because it keeps me from having experiences and I am afraid I am missing valuable time in my life.  Maybe this is why I am not able to successfully date someone.  Maybe this is why I have only gone for unavailable men since I tried to start dating.  Maybe this is why when things start going well for me, I get ill.

What I know is that I am wasting time and I don't have much of it, so I want to make it worth something.  I don't want fear to rule my life.  I don't want to be the Debbie Downer-let's-live-like-everything-is-shit-because-eventually-we'll-all-be-dead character who I see myself becoming. I need to be able to trust people.  I need to be able to trust the world around me.  I need to believe that love is still an available option for me.  And the most salient point? I need help.  I am not healthy in the mind body soul kind of way that I want to be.  So I am looking for a good therapist. Know someone? Let me know.  I want to disrupt this theme in my life and be able to be a well-adjusted person who believes in the goodness that I do know is there. I just need to be able to tap into that and find a way to become willing to risk pain for love again.

I just wonder if that is possible.