Monday, September 3, 2012

Who's that girl?! It's MEG!

My life tends to play out like a poorly written sitcom. I have weird shit happen to me and it always seems to work out alright, ya know, as long as people are alive. I decided to take my future relationship life into my own hands and make myself a little more available to men. I reconnected with a guy from high school recently and wanted to hang out with him so we made plans. It was funny, because I didn't know if it was going to be a date or just like, two old friends hanging out. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that it must be a date, it seemed that I had asked this man out and he accepted. Then the night came that we were going to get together, and he invited his friend. Ok, well at least now i know! Not a date, haha.. Granted, it's an old friend of mine as well, and in the end I had a great time out with two really awesome dudes. But I just thought it was pretty funny...and it gets a little better. If you have read this blog for a while, you may know that I had been asked out around new years by a friend of a friend who was a bartender in town. He and I went out on one date and I never heard from him again.  Yea, so his bar where I was supposed to meet my "date" last night.... Let's just line up all the men who have rejected me in one room, get it over with! Put me out of my misery! This dating thing is bound to be bumpy, I hope I can begin to regain some semblence of intuition for men who are interested versus men who just want to be nice...haha. Maybe this is all part of the fun, the point is, my awkward ass is back out there on the market. Even if it is one calamity after another, I am confident in my ridiculousness, and it at least entertains me. I know it won't take me down because I have endured far worse than rejection in my life, and grown through it all. It's all an adventure, and I am in it!

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