Monday, November 21, 2011

Touche, life.

My friend just told me that she is pregnant. She has never wanted to have kids and the guy she is with, well, he is not my favorite. I am trying to have the mindset of "if you're happy, I'm happy," but it is really hard for me. I don't think she is in a good position to be having a kid and the dude is wack and this shit just falls into people's laps every fucking day and it's all I have ever wanted. I mean, not like that, not the way she is having it but the man and the kid and all that...fuck me. How is this ok? Life is crazy, and i am not super stoked on it right now. I guess it's like the "Always a bridesmaid" type thing...."always an Auntie, never a Mom."

1 comment:

  1. I get that you're down on yourself right now because life seems painful and hard, and this "good news" is like another weight on you, but listen up, girl, you are incredible. You are a damn fine woman, you're a beautiful soul, and you are stronger than you ever knew you could be. And one day you are gonna be the best mother in the history of the world because your kids are gonna know exactly how much you love them, you're going to tell them every day.
    Just like you told me, girl, you can never ever know what's going to happen, and it may be something good.
    I'm not asking you to believe me right now, but I'm asking you to believe that I BELIEVE IT, and that I'm here for you and I love you, and that this story isn't over yet. There's a lot more that has to happen, and it's gonna be beautiful.
